Dare To Be Free

Dare To Be Free

 Initiation and a Path
To our Authentic and Radical self


Dare to be free is my deeper journey into discovering my authentic and unbridled self. 
In 2014, I did not appreciate that it was an act of courage and freedom to leave a corporate career path, and commit day after day to my personal work. My heart led me to it, yet it took me many years to take that first step. I embarked on something that led, not only to the downloading and carving of the original Horus Collection that became the integral part of my life, and of so many of yours, but a journey back to myself. It was such a deep revealing force and healing power that had me in awe of how much work there is to be done in “just” letting go.
At that time, I did not realize that this journey would be so much about my own healing and bringing me closer to my core self. If you ever want to expedite your own process of healing, start your own business! It sheds light on all your limiting beliefs, triggers, and traumas that need to be dealt with and released- choosing to see every defeat and victory as opportunities to glance deeper into the self is intimately revealing and cathartic.
So here I am again, daring to step into new and uncharted territories. Launching Fine Jewelry is in response to answering a deeper calling that my Horus Collection had for me, one that I had never dared to listen to. In my relationship with them they had always asked to be made in precious metals, yet I never listened or did not dare to. Somewhere along the way I forgot to honor my personal commitment into freedom and take daring steps.
Dare to be free is the story of my personal journey, but also an Invitation, an initiation, and a path forward. Sometimes we don't know that there is somewhere else to go within ourselves, but when we receive the invitation, and we take the step - we Dare. And with every step we take, we forge ahead, letting go of old narratives- Stepping into Freedom.
I view all my pieces as the Vehicles of Change. They Invite and help alchemize our internal transformation. They are the Allies. They are constantly with us serving as the reminders of our Own Primordial Core Truth. Dare to be Free is an invitation and testimony that CHANGE is possible.
The only task we have on our hands in this Life is to be truthful to ourselves while being the custodians of Earth, beauty and kindness towards all the sentient beings - but WHO we are, we still need to discover.
Welcome home.
xo- Jovana

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